MARbullS (noun): Middle-Aged Rebel bull breed Supporters

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Muncie's Training Journal

Or maybe a better name would be "My Behavior Modification". The "Click to Calm ~ Healing the Aggressive Dog" book I got for my birthday (Thanks Karen) recommends keeping a journal, so here is mine.

Meet Muncie, cute isn't he? He has papers that say he is a purebred American Pit Bull Terrier but something about him is "off". He's features speak of a mixed breeding; he's eyes are round and kind of buggy (not almond shaped like an APBT), his head isn't quite that wedge shape, the ears are too short and his neck is too long. His paws, oh his paws they are not short and compact like a Pit Bulls. No, the toes are long and thin. Can you guess what he might be mixed with? Here's a hint, his breeder also bred Chihuahuas. Yep, I suspect what I've got here is a purebred Chia-Pit; while I've got a dog the size of a Pit Bull he has the personality of a Chihuahua and he has aggression issues.

His displays of aggression have always been towards other dogs (that's the Pit Bull in him) but they stem from fear (and that's the Chihuahua); they are downright ugly at times. A 60 pound dog lunging and snarling is never a pretty sight, in public where I'm trying to change the image of the Pit Bull into a positive one, it's worse. Lucky for both Muncie and me; we have a wonderful trainer. Karen Pearce, she's been training for some 30 odd years or so (dogs, horses, you name it she can probably train it). She has a gift and I'm thankful that she's here to guide me through this.


Pamela H. said...

I'm supposed to write how I feel after each training session; both positives and negatives. We've had 3 private lessons now (Muncie can't handle group classes at this point).

Learning that I'm the cause for a lot of Muncie's behavior was hard to swallow. Knowing that I can be "healed" along with my dog makes it easier to take.

The anxiety I feel just getting ready to take Muncie to training classes is high. I've almost brought myself to tears twice just thinking about it. I don't know why I'm anxious; I've got four APBTs and I've owned this breed for 14 years for crying out loud. I know they can be dog aggressive and I'm prepared for that but the anxiety isn't there when I take Cooper, Maddy or even Wendell (who is highly dog aggressive) out. Why does Muncie make me feel this way?

Once at class; Muncie does well when he is with Karen. It's like a completely different dog and I almost forget that he has issues. With me, well what can I say...I have a lot to learn yet and I'm trying.

Yesterday (6/26/09) Muncie was full of himself and it almost felt as if we were going backwards even though I know we aren't. I caught myself twice tightening up on his leash and made a conscious effort not to and to keep my hand relaxed. I am proud of my little man though; he walked out the store passed two dogs and didn't bat an eye or lift a lip. He also made me smile walking around the store with that big goofy Pit Bull grin on his face.

Catahoulagirl said...

Hang in there. You are doing a wonderful job with Muncie. Remember walk, don't run. ;)